Sunday, February 18, 2007

10 Reasons Why Valentine's Day Sucks

I guess it's time to do some reality check on the hype caused by February 14. It seems like an ordinary day, but most people put so much value on it. For some, it is an important event. Others, on the other hand, like to highlight the date on their respective calendars. Don't get me wrong, but it's hard to see any relevance in February 14. I can give you 1 million reasons for this pronouncement. Reality, however, suggests that 10 is reasonable enough.

10. There are men who consider February 14 as the best date to profess their so-called "love" to women who drive their senses. Bad news boys, the date will never save you from a potential dumping.

9. For people in a relationship, February 14 has to be anticipated. Plans are being set and reservations are being made. Well, the end result is time wasted and money in the pockets of businessmen.

8. February 14 is simply overrated. Definitely, this day is no December 25.

7. Aside from November 1 and 2 this is when the flowers become expensive. This is a blatant abuse of the law of supply and demand. Indeed, Adam Smith did not envision this situation.

6. Women think that they should be in their best look, which means that they are entitled to dress for 5 hours. On the other hand, men also have to look good especially the side where their wallets are visible.

5. It is during February 14 that you hear corny dating ideas and proposal that are unimaginable.

4. Play dates of nonsense movies are being reset just to accommodate February 14. Although it's purely a business strategy, the level of irrationality is more noticeable.

3. During February 14, the town is painted in red. December 1 is also a date when the town is painted in red. It is also a coincidence that December 1 is World AIDS Day.

2. Although February 14 is "red", its font color in the calendars is blue. Meaning, it is not a holiday. Translation, there is nothing special about February 14 at least according to the government.

1. Who is St. Valentine anyway? St. Ignatius was never celebrated in this manner. Even other prominent saints remained unnoticed despite of their more gargantuan accomplishments. In summary, February 14 is overrated.

Perhaps you have some objections and those are definitely expected. Call it culture or anything equal to tradition, but February 14 is ordinary. Therefore, it has to be considered as a normal day without any forms of hype.


Anonymous said...


co0kiechipmÜnk said...

Hay sam, ang kulit mo talaga! :D

All I can say is...

Everyday should be like valentines... just a matter of considering every moment special, even if both of you just lie around and talk about nothing.. as long as you enjoy each other's company Ü

Eeeew... cooties... (remember alfafa?)

Anyhoots, keep posting!Ü

Novice Blogger said...

yeah! another wushu!